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Below is a comprehensive list of our alloys arranged by type. More detailed information can be found on each alloys specific page. All of our products are purchased to normal industry standards and come with material test reports (MTR) also known as material certifications.
904L is an austenitic stainless steel designed for moderate to high corrosion resistance. Its low carbon content improves cleanliness and weld strength.
Utility scrubber assemblies, acid and fertilizer production equipment.
Slow speeds and positive feeds will minimize this alloy's tendency to work harden and glaze. Use chip breakers where possible to overcome problems with long draggy chips.
High levels of chromium, nickel, molybdenum and copper give 904L good resistance to stress corrosion cracking, chloride pitting and to reducing media such as hot phosphoric acid and dilute sulfuric acid. In these areas it is superior to 316 and 317 stain
Most common fusion and resistance methods may be employed. For maximum corrosion resistance, it is recommended to use filler metals of equal or higher alloy content.
Hot work should proceed after uniform heating to 2000-2200 F. Doe not work the material at less than 1800 F. Full annealing should follow any hot work to reattain maximum ductility and corrosion resistance.
Although higher forces are required, 904L will respond in a similar fashion to other austenitic stainless steels like 304, 316 or 317. Most common operations can be successfully performed.
1920-1990 F (1050-1090 C), rapid cooling.
This alloy does not respond to heat treatment.. It may only be hardened by cold reduction.